Friday, March 16, 2007


So, I guess I should have given more thought to why I started this. It was, I think, a divine accident (or an example of my IT ineptness) .

I was following a blog by Rev. Megan Rohrer, ( a pastor who ministers to people in San Francisco who are without homes. She is spending this week, (March 10-17) on the streets, as a Lenten retreat, living as those she ministers to. I have been touched deeply by her witness, and her ability to transcend the temporal nature of her time on the streets compared to those she is among. She has opened my eyes to some preconceptions I battle in our ministry here in Philadelphia.

As I attempted to respond to a posting Megan made on Thursday, suddenly I found myself with this brand-new opportunity. I couldn't respond to her post without starting this. So here I am.

Our work (at University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, or, UniLu, as I will hereafter mention it here) is to several different communities simultaneously (as most urban ministries are) . Sometimes the differences between those groups cause tension, in us individually, and sometimes corporately.

I guess that what I am praying and hoping this experience of blogging might be for me (and, I pray, for those of you reading it), is an excercise in relationship building: between those various communities who are part of life at UniLu; between myself and others online; between myself and the Creating One.

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